Our speakers

Einar Høst
Einar W. Høst is a computer at NRK, the Norwegian public broadcaster. He thinks that programs should be written for people to read and also for machines to laugh at. He has a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Oslo and used to be a software craftsman.
Einar blogs at https://einarwh.wordpress.com/
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Karianne Berg
Karianne works as a potato in Rubynor, a company that spawns startups and helps other startups succeed. She is passionate about crafting things that improve people's lives, efficient organizations and beautiful code. When she's not busy being a geek, she enjoys hitting people with swords. OK, admittedly, that's a bit geeky, too.
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Gry Nagel
Gry Nagel works as a front-end developer at Bouvet. She has been working there for two years and. Before that she studied Information science at the University of Bergen.
Gry mainly works with front-end development on the web, but loves new gadgets and technologies, so when the opportunity arises she works with developemt for AR/VR.
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Dmitry Vinnik
Dmitry Vinnik is a Lead Software Engineer at Salesforce and has been passionate about Software Quality since the very beginning of his career.
He started out as a Quality Engineer, and was able to bring test expertise into his current Software Engineering role to ensure delivery of a high quality product.
Dmitry is also a Scrum Master focused on making his team more efficient and productive.
His background involves studying medicine and bioinformatics in addition to software and quality engineering.
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Line Moseng
Line is developing an application platform built on Kubernetes, nais.io for NAV, the Norwegian Welfare and Labour Administration in Norway. She is passionate about making programming and technology common knowledge and has been volunteering at the Norwegian initiative to teach kids programming, Lær Kidsa Koding, since 2013.
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Synnøve Kleive
Synnøve Kleive is a design consultant at Bouvet Bergen. She holds a degree in comparative literature and has also studied design thinking. She runs design processes for a broad spectrum of clients.
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Richard Cornelius
Richard is a broad lean-agile practitioner who is passionate about empowering people, producing safe-to-fail environments and the amazingly broad beauty of humans and what we can all do when given true freedom from external constraints.
Introduced to kaizen and continuous improvement concepts in the early 1990s and now a practitioner of a number of frameworks, his understanding from an eclectic past is that there is no such thing as a sustainable target state and so he prefers to encourage people and enterprises onto a journey of continual exploration and wonder.
When not being paid for doing something he's passionate about, he's back with his real love, trying to be an ever-better husband and father. Find him on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-cornelius/ or via his website http://www.cornelii.co.uk/
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Eivind Trædal
Eivind has managed IT solutions for many large, Norwegian companies and likes to be part of operational enviroments where he can contribute to operational changes for the better.
With experience from both the customer and delivery-side of development, he has a wide understanding of differensiert methodogical approaches to a solution.
Today, Eivind works as a delivery manager for Forte_ Digital, where he advises and manages business development, process modeling and technical solutions.
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Kasia Balcerzak
Trained archaeologist who specializes in discovering history of applications. Always willing to learn and discover secrets of legacy products. Kasia is currently a Quality Engineer at Spartez, where she assists Atlassian developers making the right products right.
Wherever Kasia can get involved in quality and testing you will see her there. Always looking to learn something new everyday. Improves to help others as speaker and trainer.
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Lauren Goldstein
Lauren Goldstein is a User Experience Designer at IBM in their Hybrid Cloud business unit. She works along the side of designers, offering managers, and developers to creating enterprise software. In her time at IBM she has focused on what it means to create better products for her users. Starting off as an industrial designer and making her way into software design, she has been continuously motivated by the idea of really listening to users and creating tools that seamlessly enhance their jobs.
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Siv Midtun Hollup
Full stack developer and part time associate professor with a passion for software craftsmanship, teaching and outreach. Teaches software craftsmanship to students and others through Nerdschool and at the University of Bergen.
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Thomas Tøkje
Thomas is a systems consultant from Knowit. He has a passion for learning by doing, and is always working on some hobby project, applying new knowledge in a practical manner.
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Alexandra Leisse
Alexandra leads product and engineering at VIBBIO, an Oslo-based video startup. A designer by trade and a terrible programmer by choice, she moves between worlds, and refuses to play by the rules.
Alexandra blogs at https://kitchen.vibbio.com/
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Elin Langholm
Jeg er en funksjonell "junkie" som er hektet på å finne rotårsaker og stadig forstå nye sammenhenger og forretningsområder.
Når roten er funnet begynner det som er like gøy - skape innovatve løsninger.
Mitt favoritt ord er HVORFOR - har du nye måter å spørre HVORFOR på så finn meg og del!
IT er gøy og spennende, men er ikke svaret på alt
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Peter Hilton
Peter Hilton is a software developer, writer, speaker, trainer, and musician. Peter’s professional interests are business process management, web application development, functional design, agile software development and documentation. Peter currently consults as a product manager for Signavio in Berlin, and delivers the occasional presentation and workshop.
Peter’s software development interests include process management, web applications, service architecture, software development methodology and practices, and web-based collaboration. Peter has presented at numerous European developer conferences, co-authored ‘Play for Scala’ (Manning Publications), and has taught ‘Fast Track to Play with Scala’.
Peter blogs at http://hilton.org.uk/blog/
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Rolf W. Rasmussen
As a nine-year-old, his parents gave him a Commodore 64 after he had looked longingly after the neighbor's Dragon 32, and had tried to figure out how the Galaga arcade machine worked using grid paper and Lego bricks. Up until 1992 he and his friends had a lot of fun creating non-interactive multimedia presentations known as "demos".
These days Rolf W. Rasmussen is the Chief Software Architect at Vizrt, a company that makes tools for the creation, management, and distribution of graphics, video and other content for the broadcast and media industry. While attending the Department of Informatics at the University of Bergen he helped to rewrite the syllabus in the introductory course on programming from using Simula to using Java. This eventually led to the publication of several books on Java programming which sold pretty well internationally.
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Hulda Seterås Fadnes
Taking a class in Design Thinking, three years ago, changed Hulda’s perception of the world. Now she is continuously working to boost her creative confidence to avoid getting stuck in her own patterns of thinking – keeping her mind flexible and playful – able to cope with any challenge.
Hulda is not an expert in this field. She started out just like you and me. Convinced that a creative and flexible mindset is THE mindset of the future; She is here to get you started too.
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Ivana Gancheva
Ivana has extensive experience with business agility, agile and lean methodologies and practices in various roles working both with established companies and startups. She collaborates with companies in their pursuit of growth and improvement with focus on organisational culture, well-being and business success by helping them become learning organisations.
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Joakim Lehn
Joakim is a technical team lead with the Nordic consultancy Knowit, currently digging deep into modernizing the sales and ticketing solutions for rail operators in Norway as well as creating a national travel planning service across all public transport modes. He is passionate about the possibilities of AI/machine learning and building an awesome team culture with his colleagues.
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Jarl Totland
Jarl grew up in the demoscene and ended up developer, techlead, architect, dev manager and wannabe evangelist. He is enthusiastic about technology, coding, devops, cloud and automation of all kinds.
Aside from running Ambita technologywise, he likes to spend time at meetups, particularly the Bergen AWS one.
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Christina Seime
Christina works as a Lean/Agile Coach at Miles - a Norwegian consultancy company. She is an active speaker at conferences in Norway and enjoys giving workshops on different Agile topics. She is devoted to get teams and organisations to collaborate and work efficiently, creating the best products possible, using principles from Agile and Lean. Since she graduated in 2004 she has been working in numerous development projects in telecommunications, energy, media and the public sector. The first years as a developer and later on as team lead, project manager and now coach. She is passionate and interested in all things related to creating great products, convinced that this relies as much on inter-human aspects and communication as it does on technology. She is curious by nature and last year she was on a one year sabbatical with her husband and two girls. A great opportunity to experience new places, cultures, people and to learn!
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Sindre Johansen
Sindre er en utvikler som jobber i Iterate. Der jobber han med alt fra finansnettsider, via strikkeplattformer til videostreaming hos Amedia. For det meste skriver han JavaScript, men får av og til prøvd seg i Rust, Elm eller ReasonMl.
Sindre blogs at https://sindrejohansen.no/blog/
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Ove Gram Nipen
Software developer at day, carpenter and general contractor at night. Always wanting to build things, and thriving on undisturbed work. Ove has been a consultant and a developer for the last fifteen years, and hopes to be able to keep learning for the next fifteen years as well :)
Ove Gram blogs at https://blogg.kantega.no/
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Tannaz N. Roshandel
Tannaz works as a head engineer at the University of Oslo, where she is building an open source cloud platform for research and education.
In her spare time, Tannaz is the deputy chairwoman at javaBin - Norwegian Java User Group, one of the organizers of JavaZone, and a robot builder. She is also passionate about ethical issues in robotics and technology.
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Øyvind Kvangardsnes
I'm a consultant, developer and team leader with a broad experience in creating stuff on the webs, curried with a solid understanding of Agile.
I especially enjoy creating kick-ass web apps with great usability together with awesome people.
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Anders Norås
The speaker has:
* 20 years experience as a professional programmer, even longer as a hobbyist writing code as a form of artistic expression.
* studied arts, cultural history and design.
* given talks on many conferences before and is known for giving engaging presentations
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Tom Glover
I'm an experienced Enterprise Architect, connector of Things and head up the Internet of Things (IoT) practise for ThoughtWorks UK. I employ a "hands on" approach to client IoT design and delivery by embracing ThoughtWorks innovative approach to problem solving. One of the best parts of my role is the incredible diversity of IoT solutions and industries that we work with on a regular basis.
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Filip Van Laenen
Filip van Laenen is a chief architect at Computas, and has more than twenty years of experience as a Java developer and software architect. He joined JSR 385 last year as a contributor, but has until then been guilty of too many occasions of using primitive types to hold quantities.
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Johannes Brodwall
Johannes Brodwall works at Sopra Steria as programmer with long hair and beard, a position he is quite experienced at. He is building software and teaching others to build software.
In addition to creating software in Java, JavaScript and Mobile platforms, Johannes is teaching Java at the Kristiania technical college. In his spare time he organizes conferences like Mobile Era and is active in the Norwegian Computer Association Resurgence.
Johannes blogs at https://johannesbrodwall.com
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Erik Assum
Erik works as a clojure programmer at Ardoq, a Norwegian startup in the EA-space. He’s a mainly a backend programmer, but tends to work wherever the code is bad enough. Given time he’ll eventually drift into some sort of devops role while trying to figure out how to run the current project even better.
Lately, he's been lurking around open-source Clojure projects looking for easy bugs to fix. This is his way of paying back to the community.
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Daan van Berkel
Daan van Berkel is a enthusiastic software tinkerer with a knack for presenting technical details in a clear and concise manner. Driven by the desire for understanding complex matters Daan is always on the lookout for innovative uses of software
Daan blogs at https://fifth-postulate.nl/blog/
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Holger Ludvigsen
Holger har spesialisering i tungregning og datagrafikk fra NTNU og nå 8 års erfaring med fullstackutvikling på JavaScript og Java. Interessene inkluderer visualisering, programmeringsspråk og sandbox-spill. Han har laget spillet playsprett.com og det funksjonelle programmeringspråket hilvl som ikke har gange eller dele.
Forrige talk var på JavaZone 2017: https://2017.javazone.no/program/78766e8ba7dc4cfc8b2cc4ceb4cf077f
Holger blogs at https://github.com/holgerl
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Nils Norman Haukås
I work comfortably "across the stack", doing everything from server provisioning, to optimizing SQL queries, to web development and animating with css. I also have experience with project management, user experience design and business development. What we build needs to solve real needs for real people, today and in the future.
Open sourcerer of packages, IndieWeb proponent, feminist.
Nils Norman blogs at https://nilsnh.no
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Ashley Hunsberger
Ashley Hunsberger is the Director of Release Engineering at Blackboard, Inc, a leading provider of educational technology, where she leads efforts to enable teams throughout the organization get to production as fast as possible, with as high of quality as possible. She loves sharing her experiences in testing and engineering productivity through writing and speaking around the world.
A proponent of open source, Ashley believes in giving back to the software community and serves as a member of the Selenium Project Steering Committee and co-chair of the Selenium Conference, with a focus and passion for diversity and inclusion throughout the industry.
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Ørnulf Risnes
Ørnulf Risnes worked as a tech lead for the 5 year project leading up to microdata.no.
His background is Information Science, and he has led software development projects for NSD since 2001.
NSD's and hence Risnes' job is to remove obstacles between researchers and research data, solving legal and practical data access problems through technology.
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Ami Ahalpara
Ami is a full-stack developer who has over 12 years of experience in developing systems involving front-end, back-end, databases, business intelligence and data integration. A lot of the projects she has been involved in were built on the Microsoft .Net platform, however she enjoys learning new languages and technologies required to do the job. And when possible, she likes to follow the Scrum approach to agile software development. Having worked in two countries and in a variety of industries has cultivated in her a lot of interest around the process and human aspects of software development. She is passionate about building functional and efficient systems that are easy to use. This comes from her education in computer science and design.
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Manu Gopinathan
Manu is a machine learning enthusiast who works as a software developer for Knowit, a Nordic consultancy company. Currently, he is a part of a team tasked with building a new sales and ticketing solution for public transportation in Norway. During his MSc studies at UCSB and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, he specialized in artificial intelligence, with his thesis doing an extensive study on gender identification of authors using deep learning and natural language processing.
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Olav Gausaker
Olav is a Spaniard with Norwegian roots. He has been a developer since he was 9 years old when he got his hands on a Basic book that came with his first computer. Professionally he started doing ASP classic websites and then moved to .NET and C#. After some years of consultancy and starting two companies, he became an iOS developer and moved to Oslo, where he worked for Fronter/Itslearning. Now back in Spain, he works remotely for VIBBIO with web technologies.
Olav blogs at https://kitchen.vibbio.com/
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Stian Veum Møllersen
Does Digital Story Development (think engaging and interactive long reads) at NRK, the Norwegian public broadcaster. Handles shiny random things, usually placed in stacks, in both two and three dimensions. Enjoys langauges enough to have accidentally created one to do programming in once.
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Merete Munch Lange
I have headed diverse projects for customers in both private and public sectors and worked with multi-cultural and distributed teams. I aspire to make a difference in the lives of other PM professionals by sharing my experience, passion and leadership.
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Lubaba Farin Tanisha
Lubaba is a senior test engineer at Vizrt Norway. She has been working as a QA expert for companies in Norway and abroad for over a decade. She has a bachelor and master’s in computer science. She is passionate about making technology better for others. She is an avid reader and interested in philosophy, history, languages, and personal growth. Lubaba is a mother of one and apart from child rearing she likes to spend her time on making music or climbing mountains. She is also interested in AI and trying to find the answer on how we can make the AI aware of moral reasoning.
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Lina Alagrami
I am a full stack software engineer, extremely passionate about technology, specifically the robotics domain. When I'm not programming robots, I'm writing code to find new and innovative solutions to make a positive impact through technology.
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Mads Opheim
Tech lead who wants to make people awesome in a safe environment. Test-driven development, Domain-driven design and Modern agile are favourite techniques. Working as tech lead in Computas, currently on a project for the Norwegian Courts.
Mads blogs at https://computas.com/
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Hans Kristian Flaatten
Hans Kristian is DevOps Practice Lead at EVRY where he work with some of EVRY's largest customers within financial, insurance, and public sector to deliver higher quality software, faster, using agile methodologies and DevOps practices. He specialises in test- and deployment-automation, large scale container systems using Kubernetes, and distributed software architecture.
Apart from his day job, Hans Kristian is an avid Open Source and Open Data evangelist. He is an acting member of the Node.js Foundation where he manages test and release of official Node.js versions and the official Docker Image for Node.js.
Hans Kristian previously worked as a Systems Developer / Systems Architect at the Norwegian Trekking Association (DNT) where he lead thetransition to a microservice oriented architecture on immutable infrastructure and Docker-containers.
Hans Kristian is an outspoken person and organises several user groups in the Bergen area including DevOps Bergen. He has been a Co-Organiser of the DevOps Days Oslo Conference and speaks at various local, and national, software conferences.
Hans Kristian blogs at https://starefossen.github.io
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Erik Vetle Larsen
Erik Vetle Larsen is a penetration tester working at Netsecurity AS while studying for a master degree in Secure and Reliable Communication at the University of Bergen.
He specializes in penetration testing, phishing, reconnaissance and development.
Aside from his work and studies he is an eager participant in Capture The Flag competitions and any security related events he can get his hands on.
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Tone Nordbø
I am an experienced design lead and interaction designer and have worked at several consultancy agencies in Oslo. I have taught interaction design at colleges and universities since 2007, and I am the author of the first norwegian book about interaction design, Introduksjon til interaksjondesign. I <3 Post-its and use them in every step of the design process!
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Sebastian Golasch
Sebastian works as a “Specialist Senior Manager Software Developer” at Deutsche Telekom, after some time developing backend applications with Java and PHP he became a citizen of the JavaScript world. Recently he´s getting his hands dirty with Python and Rust. For the last six years Sebastian tries to improve our lives, working on Deutsche Telekoms Smart Home platform Qivicon.
Famous last words:
“If I would’ve wanted to work in ‘Enterprise’, I’d have joined Starfleet…”
Sebastian blogs at https://asciidisco.com
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Martin Burns
Lean Thinker, Improvement Obsessive, Recovering Project Manager.
Learning ways of introducing the best of Lean and Agile to historically skeptical enterprises through success, failure, dialogue and hacking people’s heads.
Passable folk singer; poor blues guitarist.
Preferred pronouns: he/him
Runs the HCL EMEA Agility Services Practice
Martin blogs at http://everydaylean.info/
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Espen Dalløkken
I work at VIBBIO empowering individuals to create videos. I have worked as a developer for twenty years working for small startups and government organisations being anything from coder to CTO.
I enjoy doing a bit of everything, but I am a frontend developer with NodeJS having a special place in my heart. The joy of creating things that help or entertain people is what makes coding fun and why I still do it.
Espen blogs at https://kitchen.vibbio.com/
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Iver Skjervum-Karlsen
I works as a technologist in Blank.
After a journey from Ruby on Rails, via a little detour working on SharePoint, I have the recent years stabilized in a world where I find myself writing a good combination of front end and back end code.
Preferable in C# and TypeScript, which satisfies my needs today
When I turned 30 I realized that the more I work with programming, the less I understand.
I continuously believe that I’ve seen the light, and today I give it another try with GraphQL
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Malte Loller-Andersen
Malte is a passionate software engineer and IT consultant for the Nordic consultancy Knowit. He spends his time writing code and leading Knowits internal Artificial Intelligence group, The Artificial Chapter. Here, he manages summits and workshops, gives presentations and talks about artificial intelligence.
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Linda Rising
Linda Rising is an independent consultant who lives near Nashville, Tennessee. Linda has a Ph.D. from Arizona State University in object-based design metrics. Her background includes university teaching as well as work in industry in telecommunications, avionics, and tactical weapons systems. She is an internationally known presenter on topics related to agile development, patterns, retrospectives, the change process, and the connection between the latest neuroscience and software development. Linda is the author of numerous articles and five books. The latest, More Fearless Change, co-authored with Mary Lynn Manns. Her web site is: www.lindarising.org
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Kjersti Asora Sveen
*Highly enthusiastic preschool teacher finding great fun in
programming activities with the younger kids.
*Founder of the organisation Barnehagen i Morgen.
*Co-speaker at the short workshop: Get’em while tey’re young! Toghether with Siv M. Hollup
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Sverre Johann Bjørke
Sverre is a software developer working at Knowit. With a passion for learning, tinkering and experimenting, he is always playing around with new toys.
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Cecilie Wian
35 years old. Bachelor i pedagogics, Master in digital culture.
Have a big heart for users, as well as the tech we interact with.
Works as a consultant, for Knowit Consulting Bergen, Norway. Where i mostly do different kinds of testing.
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Dag Olav Norem
CEO @ Folio.no. Alumni of FINN.no, Opera Software and Yahoo Inc.

Vidar Berg Tilrem
I am consultant at Kantega, with 25 years of experience of software development. During these years I have been covering different roles, but I make sure that I don't stray away from practicing java developmen for too long.
I am passionate about finding ways of collaborating that not only leads to good technical quality, but also ensures delivery of actual value to our customers in an efficient way.
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Lisa Crispin
Lisa Crispin is the co-author, with Janet Gregory, of More Agile Testing: Learning Journeys for the Whole Team (2014), Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams (2009), the LiveLessons Agile Testing Essentials video course, and “The Whole Team Approach to Agile Testing” 3-day training course offered through the Agile Testing Fellowship. Lisa was voted by her peers as the Most Influential Agile Testing Professional Person at Agile Testing Days in 2012. She is a testing advocate working at mabl to explore leading practices in testing in the software community. Please visit www.lisacrispin.com and www.agiletester.ca for more.
Lisa blogs at https://lisacrispin.com
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Hilde Bakkeli
Hilde Bakkeli is a Product owner in Oslo Origo, a new department in Oslo kommune, with a mission to enable the digital transformation of the city - making digital services addressing users needs independent of the public sector’s organization.
She has previously worked as an Agile team lead in for Yr in NRK and software project manager in the oil industry.
Hilde is passionate about product development process as opposed to development process and how to work well with cross-functional teams to create digital products that are useful for the end-users.
In her spare time she enjoys hiking and long-distance running. She is also active in the agile community and board member of Smidigkonferansen.
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Olav Loen
Olav is working as a project manager consultant for Miles Bergen and on his spare time he keeps his developer skills up to date with hobby projects (which maybe turn into business ideas) using Lean Startup and tailored project, portfolio and program management frameworks.
Olav holds a Master of Business Administration from BI, Teacher education (PPU) from UiO and Master of Computer Science from NTNU.
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Heidi Mork
Heidi is a developer at NRK, where she currently works with the actor system responsible for distributing programs. She once studied mathematics and ended up with a PhD in algebraic geometry. But at some point she discovered programming and she has been enthusiastic about it ever since. Heidi finds most aspects of software development interesting, does not allow the opportunity to learn something new pass.
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Bart Szulc
Tester at heart. One could say, born to test.
Keeping hands dirty with test automation and scripting since started professional career.
Designing strategies, architecting, delivering frameworks and test environments for web and mobile applications. Actively involved in local testing communities. Presenting on most popular testing and development conferences in Poland and Europe.
Since joined Spartez, helping developers at Atlassian become better testers. Teaching them how to explore. In love with big data, scientific method, and statistical analysis. In pursuit of quantifying quality in Software Development with a single formula.
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Anne Landro
Jeg er en funksjonell arkitekt som er levende opptatt av å stille de riktige spørsmålene slik at vi lager de beste IT-løsningene vi kan. Blir lett engasjert og syns det er spennende å lære om nye problemstillinger og måter å jobbe på. Hjertesakene mine er å finne frem til de reelle behovene slik at vi løser det riktige problemet og at mennesker og domenet er viktigere enn teknologi.
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Adrian Roselli
Adrian is a member of the W3C Web Platform Working Group, W3C ARIA Working Group, and W3C Accessibility Task Force. He’s written articles for trade journals, web sites, and participated as an author and editor on five books. In 1998 he co-founded a software development consulting firm before leaving at the start of 2016. Some may recognize Adrian from his days helping to run evolt.org, one of the first communities for web developers. Adrian has been developing for the Web since 1993.
Adrian blogs at http://adrianroselli.com/
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Lars Lønne
Developer at Kantega. Enjoys frontend development, except having to wrestle with big JavaScript frameworks. Big fan of functional programming, especially in Elm and Haskell, and more recently in OCaml, and looking forward to the day when everyone else "gets it". Loves sailing and the ocean, especially blue water sailing.
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Anders Grini Hamre
Anders has a hankering for cutting waste and having fun doing so.
Having spent most of his career in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare administration, Anders has been part of the change from bureaucratic and massive waterfall projects to flexible and agile cross functional teams. He has also been involved in shaping the organisation’s approach to agile testing, test environments, synthetic test data, and test management tools.
After some time with functional testing and traditional test management Anders moved on to agile testing. In the process he has worked his way down the test pyramid and is ever more eager for test to shift left and to get technical.
Former presentations:
Enhetstester til folket (Unit testing for the people) (together with Hager Debech) – Testdagen Odin 2018 - https://event.dnd.no/odin/enhetstester-til-folket/ / https://event.dnd.no/odin/program-2018-2-2/
Test må snike i køen (Test have to cut in line) – Testdagen Odin 2017 https://event.dnd.no/odin/test-ma-snike-i-koen-hvorfor-teste-modellbasert-anders-grini-hamre-nav/ / https://event.dnd.no/odin/program/
Our first experiences with Agile Requirements Designer – CA Continuous Delivery and Agile Summit 2017
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Christian Sloper
Senior Consultant for Sonat Consulting
PhD in Algorithms
Big on Big Data, Data Flow, ML and python.
Christian blogs at https://sloperium.github.io/
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Marie Moe
Dr. Marie Moe cares about public safety and securing systems that may impact human lives. She is a research manager at SINTEF, the largest independent research organisation in Scandinavia, and has a PhD in information security. She is also an associate professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. She has experience as a team leader at the Norwegian Cyber Security Centre NorCERT, where she did incident handling of cyberattacks against Norway’s critical infrastructure. She is currently doing research on the security of her own personal critical infrastructure, an implanted pacemaker that is generating every single beat of her heart.
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Martin Gilje Jaatun
Martin Gilje Jaatun is a Senior Scientist at SINTEF Digital in Trondheim, Norway. He graduated from the Norwegian Institute of Technology (NTH) in 1992, and received the Dr.Philos degree in critical infrastructure security from the University of Stavanger in 2015. He is an adjunct professor at the University of Stavanger, and Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Secure Software Engineering (IJSSE). Previous positions include scientist at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI), and Senior Lecturer in information security at the Bodø Graduate School of Business. His research interests include software security, security in cloud computing and security of critical information infrastructures. He is vice chairman of the Cloud Computing Association (cloudcom.org), vice chair of the IEEE Technical Committee on Cloud Computing (TCCLD), an IEEE Cybersecurity Ambassador, and a Senior Member of the IEEE.
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John-Olav Storvold
John-Olav is a systems consultant for Knowit. He currently he works on behalf NSB as a full-stacker set out to tailor analytical tools to aid their management of revenue.
On his spare time he likes to tinker with all interesting things that comes to mind. As of late that has been React Hooks and Rust.
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Dmitry Lebedev
Dmitry started his job as a software engineer more than 20 years ago, has delivered many software projects, failed a few, learned a lot of things from other people and now he is willing to share his stories of success and failures with broader audience. The ultimate goal of his activities is that software could be developed pragmatically, based on an engineering approach and mutual respect between all involved parts.
Co-founder of Agile Latvia community, frequent conference speaker.
Dmitry blogs at https://medium.com/@lebedev_dmitry/
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